To try to write all that I learnt yesterday would be virtually impossible....and would amount to writing a book! You just have to come here and hear and see for yourselves!! I will just put in chronological order just bits that pieces that have struck me with the WOW! factor. The WOW! factor is about GIVING OUR ALL TO GOD.
Peter and Rita Tsukahira's testimony
We were at Kehilat HaCarmel (Kehilat = Congregation, HaCarmel =Mt. Carmel) for their Shabbat Service. We were there an hour earlier to hear Peter and Rita share on their journey....seeking the truth, giving their lives to the Lord, and finally migrating to Israel and fulfilling God's purpose for them in Mt. Carmel, Haifa. Hear a brief background and read here. A powerful testimony of seeking hearts that the Lord touched, and now being used by God to bring the people of God to an understanding of God's purpose for Israel...and how that relates to all of us. WOW! It is about GIVING THEIR ALL to do God's will.

Shabbat Service
Kehilat HaCarmel, a thriving Congregation ('Church' is a taboo word amongst the Jews....besides Christian, Cross and Missionary. Sharing this part would required a writing of a booklet!) at the highest point of Mt. Carmel, bringing the Arabs and Jews, and everyone else from nations. Saw some Asians in the church. We were told earlier that the sanctuary was built based on 1 Kings 18 which is what Mt Carmel is famous for. Read 1 Kings 18:30,31. It is about rebuilding an altar...a place of sacrifice to the Lord. And the praise and worship was just WOW! It has been a long time since I felt such freedom and liberty to just praise my God, my Saviour! No restrictions! I could dance, jump, sing, to be filled with awe in the presence of my King.......
And the word delivered by David Davis, founder of Kehilat HaCarmel (Peter is the Co-Founder) shared a WOW! sermon because it was about GIVING OUR ALL TO GOD! Based on the book of Esther....* The Lord wants all of our hearts, He travels to and fro looking for those who will give their hearts to Him*He wants to meet you individually* Purim celebrations - where girls are dressed as Esther, and boys as Mordecai. Jews are the only ppl group that has such a celebration....Jews always in danger of annihiliation - Pharoah, Haman (book of Esther),Herod, Hitler.....Why? The Jews gave us the Covenants, the High praises, the Psalms, all the promises. Jesus said, 'The salvation is of the Jews' John 4:22*Israel is the apple of God's eye (Zechariah 2:8), you don't want to poke into God's eyes!* Praise God we have the book of Esther....we see the way God chooses people. Esther was an orphan..David was the chosen one eventhough he wasn't there when prophet Nathan came to choose the king!*Esther is a type of the bride of the Messiah....preparing ourselves to go before the King of Kings* What we are to do and be, just like Esther did PREPARATION - season of preparation to be the bride(Esther 2:12)PURITY - character of Esther, end time people that walked like Esther did. Sanctified and set apart for the King!PRAYER WARRIOR - Esther 4:3. Have you travailed for your people? For your nation, your family?* Esther 4:4. We have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this!*God is calling a company of Esthers to take a courageous stand of prayer and purity.*Esther 8:3 PURITY, PRAYER, POWER - don't change the order!* Esther 4:16 - She laid herself out....God said...I will give her power and authority.*Psalm 45:6-11. THE KING DESIRES YOUR BEAUTY* When you have purity, prayer life...people will come to you.*People who are hungry will run to the Lord. HE MUST BE FIRST!
You can go to to hear this message and other messages at Kehilat HaCarmel
People just responded by walking to the altar and giving themselves to the Lord. WOW!
Notice the ceiling....the building built based on 1Kings 18...the centre is the altar...sacrifice going up to the represents the open heavens to and from the Lord.
Lunch at a Druze restaurant
There are 2 villages that are inhabited by a group of people called the Druze. They are Arabs who are not Muslims. They have a form of religion that is mysterious...partly from the Old Testament, and partly from the Quran. We had a really nice lunch of falafel - chick pea balls with pita bread....and lots of salad/veg of your choice! Falafel seems to be the staple food for the locals, both Jews and Arabs. Yums! but after 4 times...we yearned for local Malaysian food!!
Peter was our tour guide for the day and was in our RED bus!
Jezreel Valley/ Megido (Armegeddon )
There is just so much about this place, but it is where 1 Kings 18 took place (Mentioned in 1 Kings 4:12) and it will be the place of the final battle will be (Revelation 16:16). It is also amazing that this is where all the weapons of war and fighter jets of the Israel Defence forces are hidden underground. Peter taught on this passage :* God was angry at the people for the worship of Baal - no rain for 3 years* There were - Ahab and the Government, False prophets, and the People.* The teaching focused on the ALTAR. The altar is the place where people meet with the living God. In God's house, there is a designated place. You always bring Him a gift which represented your own life/livelihood. Something that is alive!Why sacrifice? Did God like the smell of burning flesh? It is the fact that when something is burnt, it will never return home with you. Whatever precious thing you sacrificed to God is non returnable. THEN the grace of God would meet you at the altar.*How do we bring revival? The 12 stones from the field (1 Kings 18:31) represents the people. made an altar. Elijah had deep dependence on God and humility. He was abandoned to God's will had had no fear. That is what is needed for NATIONAL REVIVAL.*When you want to do business with God, you want the fire of God. You need to build a personal altar with God. God does not have your decisions until you decide to fully obey Him.You must prepare your decision before you come to Him. God knows whether you mean it or not. * The fire always burns on the altar. That is how you keep growing. Bring something personal to the Lord...all the time.Ask the Lord "What would please you today?"THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS IN MALACHI 4:5,6 - 'turn the hearts of the the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers..' Peter shared that the fathers here would be fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

House of Victory
We had such a blessed end to our day....hearing all the wonderful testimonies of lives changed by the power of forgiveness. Click on House of Victory. God's amazing love and grace when these men give their lives to the Lord.
My life has been changed....bit by bit. You just have to be here to HEAR it, SEE it and EXPERIENCE it!
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