5am local time. Woke up thinking....how am I going to write what I am feeling now? How I felt yesterday?
A FLOOD OF EMOTIONS. That is the best I can describe. In the midst of thinking of home, trying to get my handphone connected to WIFI so that I can FaceTime my family, about what has transpired since the beginning of the year since the passing of my dear papa.....and now, revisiting the nation that the Lord said will be a blessing to all the other nations (Genesis 12:1-3) and continues to be a blessing to the world in the midst of turmoil and difficult times.
We were brought to the see the Port of Haifa. It faces the Mediterannean Sea.
It is through this Port that many Jews landed and returned to the land of Israel from all over the world after the Holocaust....from Russia, Europe, Africa, etc. Did you know that there is a small remnant of Chinese Jews in China?
We were told that :
Tel Aviv is a City where everyone PLAYS. It is known for its moral decadence and the place for the gathering of gays.
Jerusalem is a City where everyone PRAYS. It is supposed to be a holy city, but there are lots of clashes here between the many different religions that look to it as the Holy City. On the Royal Jordanian flight from KL, there were about 80% passengers who were Muslims from Malaysia and Indonesia going to Jerusalem. I assumed they were going to Mecca but was told otherwise....Jerusalem is the 3rd Holy City for the Muslims.
but Haifa is a place where everyone WORKS. Stephen Tang, the leader for the Malaysian group (this is his 11th time to Israel and leading the School of Ministry group from Malaysia) said that the people here are one of the most pleasant. 
We heard how important it was for us to come alongside this nation, to pray for God's will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, that we will see our connection to this nation and it's people. Again.....a flooding of different emotions as we spent time praying over the Port and over the people. Israel is surrounded by nations/borders that are in tumultuous time at this very moment....Lebanon, Syria, Egypt. This was what Peter Tsukahira was sharing with us during Erev Shabbat (eve of Sabbath) yesterday night. The flooding of emotions continued as we remember the Sabbath Day......
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