Sunday, September 23, 2012

'Wearing' your beliefs and principles

A few months ago, a sister shared her vision to sell T-shirts that had Biblical words or themes as what we wear actually displays what we believe in. That struck something in me...since then, whenever I wanted to buy something to wear, I no longer just looked for a T-Shirt with nice colour, or had a nice picture, but what it was actually 'saying'. Two months ago, I was looking for a nice T-shirt, and a sales lady recommended one, but I looked at the words and said, "I don't like the words." She said, "Doesn't matter, the colour is nice for you!" I replied, "Uh, uh, it does matter!"

I have been searching for a T-Shirt with I LOVE MALAYSIA, since I saw Philip Mantofa wearing one when he was in Malaysia earlier this year. Where can I get it?!? I asked in shops whether they sell T-shirts with the I LOVE MALAYSIA. Nope, none. Then, finally I saw it!! In Giordano. Maybe, not exactly what I want. It says I LOVE (a big heart) MY, with a tiny MALAYSIA on the side of 'Y' of the MY. Yet, I was so excited!! Finally I could 'speak' of how much I LOVE MALAYSIA!!

Just a few days ago, I saw the T-Shirt with HOSANNA THE LION OF JUDAH with the picture of a lion. I got one for myself and a few for others. That is another statement I want others to know, that I believe in the Lion of Judah, the Lord Jesus Christ, the only One whom I believe can save man. HOSANNA - Save us we pray.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

House of Prayer

We know that there is nothing more important that we are to do as God's people, absolutely nothing, than to pray. Yet, if we ask around, people are just too busy to pray. God is again calling His people, drawing His people to prayer....because when we pray, it indicates our inability to do, it indicates our dependence on the Lord, and it indicates our hope and faith in the Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

"For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations." (Isaiah 56:7). The Word became flesh and was tabernacled amongst us (John 1:14). The Lord dwells in our hearts, our families, our churches, and in each of us who are called the people of God. God is again calling His people that He wants us to be a people of prayer - pray as individuals,  famillies of prayer, churches who pray, and His people who pray. Not just to pray for our own needs, but pray for NATIONS. That's what God calls us of prayer for ALL nations. When we pray for our nation, pray for the nations of the world, we are saying, "We believe in You Lord, we believe You can bring change, that You are our only hope for every people, every tribe and every nation!"

I have seen this as nations come together, sharing and praying together. I can't help but feel joy and love, with tears, as I look at the peoples of many nations. With joy and much tears, we believe God together with each other for God's destiny for each nation! God is calling us all to be HIS house of prayer for ALL NATIONS. Then will we see the Kingdom of God truly established in each nation....then we will see the great harvest of peoples to the Lord!

I was in Bakalalan, Sarawak,  2 months ago. My heart was so challenged by the faith of the people, and they have a prayer house in Mount Murud there for all nations. I began to hear more and more testimonies of how prayer houses are starting in Sabah and Sarawak, and also in West Malaysia. Now, it is not just Malaysia, but testimony after testimony shows God is doing the same in all the nations of the world where God's people are hearing His call, hearing His seek Him, to pray and to believe!!

It is easy to complain and look at all the problems around us, but let us together look to the Lord, the Lord of Heaven and earth! Let each of us be the House of Prayer for all nations! It begins with each one of us.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Willingness and Joy in our Hearts

We can do many things for the Lord, yet it is not the quantity that God is looking for. Is it because we love the Lord and love others? I have found that it is in the few or in the small  things that the Lord wants to see our willingness - be faithful in the few things (Matthew 25:21) - whether our hearts are willing. I can say that I love God and want to serve Him....yet in the so called little things like picking up someone when our help is needed at our 'inconvenience', or being 'disturbed' in the wee hours by a call of a friend in we do it with an attitude of willingness and joy in our hearts to serve our brothers and sisters?

That is what Jesus means when He said He came to serve (Matthew 20:28). Are we truly servants as Jesus wants us to be - to serve and not to be served? When someone asks me a favor, do I answer "Sure, what can I do for you?" or do I think of all the reasons why it is difficult to help this person, hesitating "Er...let me see...." It is important to let others know that they can come to us anytime when they need help. Yes, willingly, not out of necessity (Philemon 1:14). It is better that we do not do it, if we do out of necessity and not with a willing heart. I have learnt that we must let the Lord teach our hearts how to love (1 Thessalonians 4:9) and purpose in our hearts to give (2 Corinthians 9:7).  We cannot say we love God and love one another if our actions speak otherwise (1 John 3:16-23). Our words and actions indicate the conditions of our hearts. May our hearts be full of love - shown through our actions.

Yes, when we are helpful, there will  be times when people will take advantage of our kindness.  But will it stop us from helping others? It is the same with giving others financial help. It should never stop us from helping others even when we know that there are people who may cheat us....that is from my own experience. Many will be blessed if we continue to obey God's Word. The joy of being a blessing far exceeds some of the negative experiences of giving!!.........and God certainly loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7)!.

Willingness of our hearts leads to Joy. Joy, God's joy, brings great strength (Nehemiah 8:10) in our walk with the Lord.

It is just that simple....because God's Word is simple.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Malaysian.....First

For those who do not know....I am a Malaysian Chinese. I normally get quite upset when I am asked to fill in forms and am always, ALWAYS, asked my 'race'. What I am supposed to put is 'Chinese'. I put 'Malaysian'. Isn't that what is important? Anyway, what is the difference if I put 'Malay' or 'Chinese' or 'Others'? Yes, there is also a 'Others' category.

If we, as people of God, who believe that we came from Adam and Eve, we are of ONE race. Yes, there are many people groups, but one race. There is no blacks or white, only different shades of brown. So we all are one people, God's people! I am at the moment, attending a Conference where there are Christians from at least 160 nations, and it is so wonderful to see how they worship God in their own way(s), and to hear what is happening to their people group....and the love God puts in my heart for them as we pray for each other! We love a little more as we pray, as we weep for our brethren. Indeed 'how good and pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity' (Psalm 133:1)! Yes, there are times we truly need God's grace to love - we are all so very different!! God can only transform us, transform our nation, and nations of this world, if we dwell in unity. That takes love...forgiveness and reconciliation among the people of God. It has to begin with us - between each other, in our families, in our churches, in our nation.

My beloved country Malaysia, can only experience the transformation power of God when His people in this nation reconcile with each other and work together - for His glory! That takes effort and time. Are we willing? God will do according to the willingness of our hearts and the actions that show we are serious about it, that we truly want Malaysia to be changed and transformed!

I am proud to be a Chinese....yet I am a Malaysian first.

For those who are from a Chinese background, and want to reach out to the Chinese...or just to know who the Chinese are....this is a good video that shows God's hand on the Chinese people :

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In The Beginning

Genesis is the first book of the Bible. Genesis 1:1 begins with, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." That is our history and the Word that we hold on to, because God is Truth and His Word is Truth, "Your Word is truth" (John 17:7b). Jesus said "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). That is what people want and need....freedom. People need to be set free from their sin and bondage, and liberated from living in fear. I often share with people that things and situations in our lives and around us may be in a mess, there may even be a tsunami, but only God can give us peace in our hearts. As people of God, we can doubt many things, but we should never doubt God's Word. This the the premise we begin with...we must see the world from the perspective of God's Word, not any other way.

That is why we begin with "In the beginning". Why is history so important? Without history, we would not be where we are. A young Malaysian historian, Dr. Rachael Leow said, "History is not just the study of the past. It is understanding the flow of events which have led to the present." Below is part of the speech by Tunku Abdul Rahman at the Proclamation of Independence on 31st August 1957:

I am indeed proud that on this, the greatest day in Malaya's history, it falls to my lot to proclaim the formal independence of this country. Today as new page is turned, and Malaya steps forward to take her rightful place as a free and independent partner in the great community of Nations-a new nation is born and though we fully realise that difficulties and problems lie ahead, we are confident that, with the blessing of God, these difficulties will be overcome and that today's events, down the avenues of history, will be our inspiration and our guide.But while we think of the past, we look forward in faith and hope to the future; from henceforth we are masters of our destiny, and the welfare of this beloved land is our own responsibility: Let no one think we have reached the end of the road: Independence is indeed a milestone, but it is only the threshold to high endeavour - the creation of a new and sovereign State. At this solemn moment therefore, I call upon you all to dedicate yourselves to the service of the new Malaya: to work and strive with hand and brain to create a new nation, inspired by the ideals of justice and liberty-a beacon of light in a disturbed and distracted world. High confidence has been reposed in us; let us unitedly face the challenge of the years. And so with remembrance for the past, and with confidence in the future, under the providence of God, we shall succeed.     

As I have grown to understand God's Word and learn to love my nation, Malaysia, I see the importance of understanding her history to see where we are heading. So it is with God's Word. We understand what God has been doing, and what He is doing at this moment of time, when we look back into the history of the Word and the world that He has created. I have begun to understand God's purpose and destiny for each person, each family, each nation, and the nations of the world! 
